Have an exciting pet life.

MondMou is

For you and your precious dog, we will help you create a more comfortable and happy pet life.

Collapsible content

Only one pink pajama shirt set in stock is available for sale!

There are less than 5 pairs of various long pants left in stock.




Because both people and pets come into contact with their bare skin.

fabric, comfort, design,

Enjoy your time at home with this outfit that has been carefully selected.

40% sale underway 💐

Additional special discounts apply when you add 2 or more pet clothes in your cart.

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We will introduce care products for pet problems such as dental care, allergies, and tear stains.

We carefully select products that are easy to use and reliable.


Please feel free to contact us!

About clothing sizes, home renovations and repairs, problems with your dog, etc.

Please feel free to contact us!


MondMou / Instagram

We also send out information and create portraits of pets on our sister accounts, so please follow us ↓

RondMou account